We want to see healthy leaders cultivating the kingdom of God in every subculture.


We plan to accomplish our vision:

“By inviting people into our community in Barcelona and training them to be healthy leaders.”
“Through sending our leaders to influence, disciple and bring the Kingdom of God into everything we do, from Catalonia to the whole of Europe and around the world.”



YWAM Barcelona started as a dream, Curtis and Patti Clewett, Hany and Mona Fouad, and many others began to sow vision and prayer over the city, they did events, outreach, and invited many teams to come and bless Barcelona. They began programs like King's Kids, and cultural centers to reach the youth and the immigrants of the city. Years passed and everyone wondered... where's the base? "5 years passed until the time was right and the base was launched. In October 2015 the national office of YWAM helped Kari Clewett register YWAM Barcelona as a legal entity, even though there wasn't much to lead. In January 2016 YWAM Barcelona lead "La lanzadera" their leadership training program with the first staff who joined. In September, they lead their first school: Inspiració, a secondary school for Artists and creatives. This was a great start, then January 2017 they lead their first DTS's, yup that's right, we lead two side by side. Calling All Skaters DTS and an "Original Design DTS". The rest is history! From here on, it seems like God constantly challenges them to think out of the box, and to create ways to connect, and innovate, through challenging opportunities and family community. YWAM Barcelona sees themselves as a launching pad for those called to the subcultures and the city, they are the fertile soil to plant a vision and see it grow.